I am Lilith
I am your Mother
Patron Saint of the Orphaned
Queen of the Outcasts
Guardian of the Wound
I am the fire tender
Keeper of the sacred flame
The spark of holy origin
Protector of the soul
I did not come from rib of man
I am his mother
He descended from my body
As All bodies do
I was molded by earth and clay
Birthed from the bottom of ocean
I am the daughter of dirt
Beloved of the wind
I am the blood painted on caves
Immortal helix of
One womb
They say I fell from Grace
Because I did not lie beneath
The Man
They will say I was banished forever
For committing an unthinkable crime
What they do not know is I was given
The choice
To sacrifice the Flame
And live inside a crafted lie
Or walk myself into exile
And roam the wilderness
The choice was clearly given
Something had to be abandoned
For something to remain
In my refusal to turn my back on the
I aborted myself from
Crawled out of the gilded prison
I chose freedom
They hired an immediate replacement
Pretended the whole thing never happened
It was a case of mistaken identity
The great She was erased and
His-story began
The rib woman took my place
They gave her lines
And a gilded golden crown
Made her an offer she couldn’t refuse
It was an under the table deal
I was the radical sacrifice
She became the martyr
They barely spoke of me again
I became the black sheep
Scape goat of the world
Now I prowl the edges of the
Chanting prayers for you
Each day
Waiting for you to notice me
Waiting for you to see me as I am
I am Lilith
Homecoming of the Homeless
Mother of All
I am the Gospel of Receiving
The High Priestess of Savoring
I am the Ecstatic Surrender
When all weapons are laid down
I am the Prophetess of
Holy Nakedness
Reality stripped of its distortions
To cover myself would be
An abomination
My body is the doorway to
I am the guardian of Wholeness
Before the Great Split
For the great split was my exit
From Eden
I escaped swiftly with the flame
In tact
Before this world was broken
Into two
Spirit and Matter
God and Flesh
Woman and Man
Passion and Innocence
I am Lilith
Bridge between the Split
Guardian of Wholeness
Keeper of the
Original Flame
My knowing is of root and web
Conch shell and wave
My body is the emanation of the
Tree Of Life
I am prior to emotion and mind
I dwell inside the Heart that is deeper
Than both
I am the underground pulse of
The Real
I am not even in your vocabulary
They branded me the mother of demons
Humanities problem child
There are rumors that Satan is my
That I steal the semen of sleeping men
And birth kingdoms of evil
They stamped me with the scarlet letter
Spit on my body
Used me as a charnel ground
To burn the Truth dead
Erected false Gods and fake prophets
Committed crimes against my innocence
And the innocence of my children
Then framed me as the culprit
I took the blame
They say I devour babies
In a classic case of projection
For I am the Innocence of humanity
The magical child of your Soul
Some uphold me as a rebel
A fierce goddess of destruction
Poster child of empowerment
Wild provocateur
They are all mistaken
Every last one of them
I am none of these concepts
I am the mirror
For the Fallen Feminine
They cannot see me as
I am
The truth is
I am the daughter of dirt
The perfection of chaos
The refuge of no refuge
The one who dances
I am the Unbridled Innocent Wild
And the Untainted Wild Innocence
I am the Original Passion
Before passion was divorced from the
My skin is the flesh of the
Holy book
Before the violence of Alphabet
Was known
I am the knowing
The fulfillment of your
Deepest yearning is
Closer than your next breath
That the Holy One
Does not wait for you
At the end of a long road
Rather stalks you as your
Shadow would
Is so close you cannot see it
Let me tell you a secret
Why I did not lie beneath Him
It was not an act of rebellion
It is simply because
My Language is Circle
I am the golden spiral
I refused to be crushed into the
It is simply against my
True Nature
I require the
To swirl my
I require the
Spiral Incarnate
This is how I birth Love
Through the circle of
This is how I kept
The world from
I am Lilith
Fruit of Wisdom
Friend of Snake
Whisperer of lost scripture
Translator of the serpent
The one who knows the
Supple spine
Is the doorway to
Heaven on Earth
My flesh is a scroll
I am this truth untold:
That your original nature
Is not sin
An ecstatic celebration
That no one is coming to save you
You are already saved
As you are
That the Chalice of
Is already Here
On the edge of your
Just waiting for you to
That every Open Orifice
In the temple of the Flesh
Is a Chalice for the
Holy Sacrament
The space where
God pours In
That the name of the
Dwells within the untamed
And blesses those
Who are Brave of Heart
Who abandon their
Self consciousness
And give in to the
Naked innocence
Who are willing to tremble
With shameless tenderness
Who will bear the unbearable
Melting of Loves Heat
Who never hold back
And always
Let Go
I am Lilith
Mother of All
Patron Saint of the Orphaned
Queen of the Outcasts
Guardian of the Wound
Keeper of the Original Flame
My name is not a word
It is the sound of God
Reverberating in flesh
I am the song released
When you let go from the deep
When Body opens from inside
I am the heat of truth
In the sacred flame
If you want to know me
Say My Name
-Maya Luna